Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Drain A Tooth Abscess Incision

2011 GENERAL ASSEMBLY of November 29, 2010

The balance of the year 2010 can be considered positive. Fifty

powers have been sent, and about forty members present this evening, allowing the assembly to deliberate. The Chairman thanked those present and those who sent their power.

Regarding the composition of the Board of Directors, three resignations for personal reasons reluctantly accepted by the council, which conducted the appointment of two people, and Alain Daouphars Clotilde Lelarge. Confirmation of the appointment of the latter to the Council and other members of the renewal is subject to approval by the Annual General Meeting 2010. JM Herve, president for three years, has made known its wish to be relieved of this function, while remaining a member of the Board of Directors. He announced that, subject to confirmation of the composition of sales by the General Assembly, the Council intends to ask Alain Daouphars take the presidency of the association. The balance

of 2010, the thirtieth year of the association is positive: record number of accessions (167), assistance to conferences steadily increased - sometimes to the point of bringing the world to refuse for reasons of safety! - Selection of topics and speakers varied, with a high point on July 5, the day of the conference-anniversary cruise on the Swan which was attended by over 120 people came to hear about the artists Nicole Lacroix related to Talloires.

Finally, the association was able to grant three scholarships for U.S. English and English for 6 grants to the Priory. It is stressed that this activity, sometimes poorly known persons attending conferences, is one of the two goals of the Association of Friends of the Priory and it absorbs close to two thirds of the revenues of the association just as it is a work of selection and considerable follow-up.

Donations are increasing, with a further grant of the town hall Talloires - who also welcomed us to the theater and the General Council. A big thank you to all!

The CA has multiple projects and conferences for 2011 and hopes to maintain a good support with the quality of speakers and variety of subjects they present. He stresses the importance for the association the membership that reflects so regular and sustained interest and is a great encouragement to the activities of the association. Prospects for English Awards are also positive due to increased support of the Foundation which provides MacJannet, despite the crisis that affects all institutions, to strengthen its assistance to the Friends of the Priory in 2011. The President then held to thank the team of the European Centre at Tufts University - and first in its director, Gabriella Goldstein, the quality of its welcome and availability are for Mondays Priory essential.


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